SGN Drops iFun Game For iPhone/iPod touch

SGN, a social gaming company, unveiled iFun. A new social gaming technology for the iPhone/iPod touch that is now available as a free download on the Apple AppStore. This unique technology uses the AT&T 3G Network or Wi-Fi to turn your iPhone or iPod touch into a Golf Club that connects to your Mac or PC, so users can play golf on their computer monitor. iFun is the first App that combines your iPhone and your personal computer to create a completely new game-play experience.

Shervin Pishevar, CEO of SGN said, "
With the release of iFun, we have truly achieved a multi-platform experience that makes gaming on your iPhone or iPod touch even more fun, beginning with our iGolf, iBowl and iBaseball games which have had nearly 4 million downloads, SGN has been redefining mobile gaming and using the power of the iPhone platform to push the boundaries of what's possible."

Here's a video demostration of iFun:

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