1. Download the latest version of uTorrent (1.8.1 Stable) and install it.
2. Download webui360 from here WebUI360
3. Place it in %AppData%\uTorrent (Paste this path into the Explorer address bar). Enable and configure the WebUI in µTorrent (Preferences -> Advanced -> WebUI). You can setup a Username & Password for security measures. Check "Alternative Listening Port".
4. Open Safari on your iPhone/iPod touch and go to http://www.louish.com/iphone/
5. When you open the page you will see the description of the site and what it does. Scroll down and you will see "Getting Started". Type your IP Address and Connection Port and tap Save. After that, instead of Save it should said Saved.
6. To search for torrents scroll up and on the search bar type any torrent you have in mind. It will take you to a list depend on your search. This search engine is integrated with www.isohunt.com. Tap on the blue icon and it will take you to a page asking for your Username and Password (only if you set it up with User&Pass) if not the download will start automatically.
7. Test it at home and make sure everything is working and uTorrent register your downloads. If everything is under control you should see the Torrent downloading right away after you tap on it on your iPhone/iPod touch. You can delete, resume and pause your Torrents remotely going to http://Username:Password@YourIP:UTport/gui/ on your iPhone/iPod touch.
Congratulations, now you can download torrents on the go and when you get back home the download is done. Happy Downloading and Happy Thanksgiving...